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WeShape is a digital platform, fully developed in-house, consisting of several tools developed to be as intuitive and visual as possible. WeShape aims to make professional tasks a lot more straightforward and trouble-free for the various players across the architecture and design manufacturing sector.

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A safe place to archive years of built-up knowledge and expertise.

The Archive is a digital space where the Archivist can store and manage knowledge, a safe place to archive years of built-up knowledge and expertise, making transfers of important information both simple and smooth and designed in a way that feels intuitive for the user. With a structure made up of only two layers, it contains everything to fulfil the needs of adding, organising and storing information. A tool like this is indispensable in a manufacturing company who needs to keep track of a vast amount of data, knowledge and intellectual property.


Create your own community and communicate easily with professionals working on design and architectural projects.

Projects in design and architecture usually involve a whole list of people: client, architect, supplier, manufacturer, entrepreneur, etc. The Community is designed to facilitate the communication at the outset of a project, from the very first contact and during the initial phase of establishing the entire group of participants. The Community is aimed at simplyfiying the complexity of managing a project whilst shaping a new and international community platform for the architecture and design field.


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