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WeShape is a digital platform consisting of several tools,
intended for designers, architects and manufacturers.
As a design tech company, we understand design and architecture because WeShape is born out of the insight and envisaging of a designer and a developer.


A safe place to archive years of built-up knowledge and expertise.

The Archivist is a digital space to store and manage knowledge, making transfers of important information both simple and smooth.
With a structure made up of only two layers, it contains everything to add knowledge in just 30 seconds.


Communicate easily with professionals working on design and architectural projects.

Projects in design and architecture usually involves a whole list of people: client, architect, supplier,manufacturer, entrepreneur etc.
The Community is designed to facilitate the communication at the outset of a project, from the very fi rst contact and during the initial phase of establishing the entire group of participants.


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Copyright © We Shape 2024
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